We were so happy to have help from several Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) students on our Leacross Landing build site this past week! This is the second year in a row that we’ve had the pleasure of partnering with TI to provide young Indigenous students with the opportunity to participate in TI’s Introduction to Construction course. The two-week program is an intensive construction course that prepares students from the ages of 20-29 for a future career in the sector.

The students are provided with an extensive amount of training, which they are then able to apply to the real world when they step onto our Habitat build site! This program is a great way to establish life skills and confidence while developing vocational skills for the future. To learn a skill, put your knowledge the test and be able to see how your efforts make a difference in a community is truly a rewarding opportunity. Some of the students from last year enjoyed themselves so much they came back again to learn more this year! Habitat hopes to make this course an annual program in partnership with TI to provide support for Indigenous youth pursuing career and training opportunities.

Here is what a few of the participants had to share about the experience:   

“This program was very informative and I enjoyed it very much. The classes helped me prepare for being on the build, but I did not realize how much work it would be! But, it’s a lot of fun and I am learning a lot. It’s really fulfilling to learn these skills and at the same time you help people in the community. For sure I would love to come back!” – Sandra, student

“It’s a great build crew! Everybody is really friendly and really helpful and they try to make us do different things we haven’t done before. I see myself and the students wanting to do this again, it won’t be just a onetime thing.” – Bobby, Employment Counselor for TI

“I am loving it so far and I am remembering a lot of things I learned from last year. This year, I feel I can be more hands on and use more of the tools. I love using the drills and I learned to cut rebar. I feel I’m more confident in my skills. I think everyone else is enjoying it and it feels great to be helping someone in need and helping them with their house. – Penny, returning student

A big thank you to Schneider Electric for supporting Habitat Greater Ottawa’s Every Youth Initiative this year! We would also like to recognize The Home Depot Canada Foundation for helping to fund the Indigenous Youth Build Program with additional sponsorship from Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Thanks to their support, we were able to provide this unique career development opportunity for Indigenous youth for the second year in a row.

The Indigenous Youth Build Program is in partnership with:

With support from: